Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010
Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a joyful and blessed Easter. Time is going by so fast, it’s difficult to keep up, but I’ll try. Enrollment for the 2010/11 school year now stands at 88. If you haven’t returned your form yet, please do so as soon as possible. Speaking of next year, I sent out an email concerning the school calendar. Please choose one of the two options and email me your preference. I will weigh all responses carefully before a decision is made. I am also in the process of finalizing the student schedule for next year. I will be sending home a copy of this schedule after the spring vacation with your child.

Please remember that we will be off from school the week of April 19 – 23. Kids Zone will be open on these days.

Congratulations to all our students who did extra chores at home and donated their own money for the Haiti Relief Services. Our children donated $209.82 that will be forwarded to the Catholic Relief Services. Please continue to keep the people of Haiti in your prayers as they struggle to recover from the disaster.

The Friday, April 30th benefit for Maureen Wahlberg is fast approaching. Please send in your items for the baskets to your child’s teacher by April 16th so that we can prepare the baskets over Spring break.

At this time I would like to congratulate our students and parents for exceeding the goal of 6000 boxtops. As a result of this accomplishment, we will be holding our first Debutante Fashion Show on Friday, April 15th at 1:15pm in the gym. All are invited to attend the show as Roberta (Rob Converse), Petunia Pete Asma), and Gena (Gene Chilion) show off the latest spring fashions. Your eyes will not believe what they see (and unfortunately your minds will remember). Photos are not only encouraged, but required – the girls are not bashful and will be profiled in an upcoming edition of the Evening Sun.

Here is a list of upcoming events:

Fri, April 16th Debutante Fashion Show - Gym 1:15pm
OM Celebration Party 1:30pm
Report Cards Sent Home

April 19-23 Spring Vacation – Kids Zone Open

April 26 – 30 ELA State Exams

Fri, April 30 Maureen Wahlberg Benefit – Gym 6 – 8pm

May 5 – 7 Math State Exams

Thurs, May 6th National Day of Prayer
Lunch – Parents Invited 11:15-Noon
Ceremony – Gym 12:15pm

Fri, May 7th May Crowning – Parents Invited 1 pm
Living Rosary – Gym

God Bless,


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