Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010
Dear Parents,

This week I would like to devote my letter to the changes the state has made to our elementary State Assessment Exams. The social studies and science exams remain unchanged. However, in past years, the ELA exams were given in January and the math exams in March. Schools were given five full school days to administer each exam. This year, the ELA exams will be given in April. The State is requiring all schools to administer all the ELA exams in three days, rather than five. The testing dates are April 26-28. This is, unfortunately, the first week back after our spring vacation.

The math exams will be given beginning on May 5th and ending on May 7th. Administering the exams later in the school year will mean that a larger percentage of the material for each grade will be on the exams. This year the number of questions and format will remain the same as in past years, but the state is considering changes for next year.

Administering the exams later in the school year will mean that schools (and parents) will not receive the results back from the state until a much later date. This may cause some issues with preparing student schedules for the next school year. As always, I will keep you informed as changes and information come my way.

The March 31st date for handing in Tuition Agreement forms for the 2010-11 school year is fast approaching. Please send in your form if you haven’t done so already.

Good luck to both our Odyssey of the Mind Teams who compete in the State competition at Binghamton University this Saturday. We’re extremely proud of each member of the team and their advisors, Kate Conron and Melissa Lawrence. You can watch their performances and the award ceromony via a live video stream available via a link on the NYSOMA website:

Congratulations also go out to Michael Trevisani for finishing in 1st Place in the Knights of Columbus State competition for his poster on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Michael now moves on to the International competition, which is held in New Haven, Connecticut on March 30th. Congratulations go out to Michael and our other students who entered this contest, along with our art teacher, Sarah Mahan.

I will not be writing a letter next week since our last day of school is Wednesday, March 31st. Please remember that we have Thursday and Friday off for Holy Week. See everyone on the Monday after Easter. Have a great Easter.

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