Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 16, 2010
Dear Parents,

I wish to congratulate all of our students who have achieved academic excellence this past ten weeks. Whether a student achieves Honor or High Honor status or neither is not the point. What is important is that each child strives to do his or her best and gives 100% effort. Please make it a point to congratulate your child if they have given their best.

I would like to thank those parents who answered my email last week concerning next year’s spring vacation. Norwich has not yet published their 2010/11 school calendar, so I don’t know for certain if they will follow the BOCES calendar or not. Once they publish their calendar, I will share a copy of our calendar with all of our parents.

Once again I’m asking those parents who have not returned the enrollment form for next year to do so at their earliest convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the form.

Every two weeks you should be receiving a statement from our cafeteria. If you owe a balance, please send in payment with your child or give it to Mrs. Hose. Thank you in advance for addressing this issue.

The New York State ELA and Math tests are on the horizon. The test schedule is as follows:

ELA: Grade 7 Mon, April 26, and Thurs, April 29
Grade 6 Tues, April 27, Wed, April and Fri, April 30
Grade 5 Tues, April 27 and Thurs, April 29
Grade 4 Tues, April 27, Wed, April 28 and Fri, April 30
Grade 3 Wed, April 28 and Thurs, April 29

Math: Grade 7 Wed, May 5 and Fri, May 7
Grade 6 Wed, May 5 and Thurs, May 6
Grade 5 Wed, May 5 and Thurs, May 6
Grade 4 Wed, May 5, Thurs, May 6 and Fri, May 7
Grade 3 Thurs, May 6 and Fri, May 7

Please ensure that your child receives the proper amount of rest and eats a good breakfast prior to the exams.

I hope everyone has a great vacation. Kids Zone will be open for the full week.


Upcoming Events

Maureen Wahlberg Benefit 6-8pm Friday, April 30

National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 6
Family Luncheon 11am - Noon
Festivities 12:15pm

May Crowning Friday, May 7
Crowning & Living Rosary 1pm

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