Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 12, 2010
Dear Parents,

The enrollment period for the 2010/11 school year began on February 1st. If you have not already returned your Tuition Agreement form, please hand it in as soon as possible. I am trying to prepare the budget for next year and of course, enrollment dictates a large portion of the budget. If you are applying for Diocesan Tuition Assistance, the deadline to mail your forms in is March 15th. If you have any questions, please stop in and see me.

This past week our Odyssey of the Mind students were fortunate to meet with Bud Kelleher, a SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry professor who spoke to them about the properties and efficient use of balsam wood for building strong structures. The students found the presentation enlightening and useful to assist them in preparing for the State OM competition on March 27th at Binghamton University.

If you haven’t had the good fortune to savor one of our delicious fish fry dinners, please join us. You only have three opportunities left, counting today. Sit down dinners are available from 5-7 pm. Take out dinners begin at 4:30 pm. You can call 337-2208 for take out ahead of time so that your dinner is waiting for you when you arrive.

We have two special days this week. Students will not be required to wear their school uniform if they wear traditional colors for these days. Don’t forget to wear your “green” on Wednesday, March 17th for St. Patrick’s Day. Weather permitting, our students in Pre-K through 4th grade will be walking down to Courthouse Park for a short St. Patrick’s Day tribute. Our middle school chorus will be singing the National Anthem to begin the ceremony. Please join us if you can. Friday is St. Joseph’s Day and as is our tradition at Holy Family School, we encourage everyone to wear red.

Lastly, Mrs. Hose’s count-down to spring is almost at “zero!” Unfortunately, that means it’s that time of year when we need to set our clocks ahead one hour and “spring forward.” So, on Sunday at 2:00 am, we will set our clocks ahead one hour (and lose one hour of sleep). Have a great weekend!

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