Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009
Dear Parents,

Too often we fixate on the things that go wrong in our daily lives, rather than focusing on all the positive things that occur every day. This past week I had the opportunity to spend some time with one of our parents. Here’s what she had to say:

“I just enjoy life…I love to laugh…and I think we just need to be ourselves. Too often in life, we get caught up in things that truly do not matter…what I call “the stuff.” In the mean time, the “stuff” that really matters is ignored…a child’s smile, a friendly wave, a beautiful cloud, or a gentle touch. Things that mattered to us as children get left behind, and we find a new emphasis in life…not always the emphasis we should observe. We need to remember what was important to us when we were children. This is what matters. This is what makes the journey worth the effort…the everyday things all around us, the things that, somewhere along the line, we forgot to appreciate.”

I hope we all reflect on this parent’s thoughts. Maybe then, more of us would be smiling! Here are the upcoming events:

Monday, Nov. 9 - 19 Book Fair – Library After school - During P/T conferences

Tuesday, Nov. 10 H1N1 Clinic 8am
Only those pre-registered
may receive the vaccine

Wednesday, Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day No School

Thur & Fri, Nov.12&13 Parent Conferences Noon - ?
Early Dismissal 11 am

Thurs, Nov. 19 Thanksgiving Mass 9 am

Thurs, Nov. 19 Thanksgiving Dinner
EC – 2nd Grade 11 am
3rd – 7th Grade 12:15 pm

Throughout my years as an educator and an educational administrator, I have found that a foundation in a child’s success in schools is based on parental involvement. A cornerstone of parental involvement is an open line of communication between parents and the school. This communication comes in many forms: emails, phone calls and this weekly letter.

In an effort to assess the effectiveness of the weekly letter that is sent home, I ask that you email me at if you wish for this form of communication to continue. If you elect to do this, please do not feel the need to write a message. Please just type “please keep the weekly letter” in the subject box.

Thank you for all that you do to further your child’s education here at Holy Family. If you ever have any concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together we can address things in need of redressing and create appropriate remedies and solutions.

God Bless,


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