Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009
Dear Parents,

It appears that our school community is getting healthier. Our attendance has improved drastically in the past two days. Please continue to err on the side of caution. If your child has a fever/is ill, please keep them home. If they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher, please keep them home 24-48 hours after the fever returns to normal without the use of medication such as Motrin or Tylenol.

Next week, we celebrate Thanksgiving with our community members. On Thursday, November 19th, we have a Thanksgiving Mass at 10am that the 3rd and 4th graders will be in charge of organizing. We hope everyone will be able to attend. The Mass will be followed by our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for our parents, grandparents, students and staff. Dinner times are:

EC – 2 11:00 am

3 – 7 12:15 pm

If you have children in both levels, you may eat with all your children in the session of your choice. Students will be charged the regular lunch fee of $2.00, while there will be a free will offering for all our guests.

The Scholastic Book Fair is open to all our parents and students in the library through Thursday, November 19th. Stop in and begin your Christmas shopping early!

School physicals will be given to our K, 2nd, 4th and 7th graders, as well as all new students to our school, on November 16-18. A Seasonal Flu Shot Clinic will be held at HFS on Saturday, November 21st from 9am – 11am for anyone 18 years of age or older. Chenango County Public Health will be offering this clinic free of charge.

23 out of 86 families responded that they would like to see this weekly letter continue. This means that approximately 1 out of 4 families read it and/or find it useful. Thanks to all who responded. It is important for me to hear from our families.

Please continue to bring in canned food items for our local food banks. This Friday will be a non-uniform day for our students. My only advice this week is to put up your outdoor Christmas decorations soon before the weather changes. Have a great weekend!

God Bless,


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