Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year

January 8, 2010
Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and holy Christmas and was able to spend quality time with their families. The tradition for the New Year is to make resolutions, which often go unfulfilled. Personally, I am not in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions. However, this year I am making an exception to this. I’d like to make a resolution concerning Holy Family School. My resolution is to try to create an atmosphere/environment in our school whereby every student is provided the opportunity to be successful and be valued. Although you may say that every person deserves this (and I would agree), it doesn’t always happen. You can rest assured that I will do everything in my power to fulfill this resolution. Remember, I am always available to discuss any concerns/issues/questions you may have.

The enrollment process for next year will begin at the end of this month. You will be receiving a letter which will include the tuition rates for the next four years, along with the Tuition Agreement Form. If you are applying for tuition assistance, please notify Mrs. Hose. She will provide you with the forms when we receive them from the Diocese. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning the process.

I am pleased to announce that Elaine Genute has been hired as an aide in our 1st grade classroom. Elaine has a Bachelor’s and Masters’ Degree in education. Elaine and her husband Mike have two sons that attend HFS. Lex is a first grader and Athen is in Pre Kindergarten.

Our next Box Tops challenge will begin on Monday. Several goals for the entire school will be set and awards/prizes given to all our students upon reaching these goals. We just received a check in the amount of $679.22 from our last challenge. In addition to the Box Tops, we are also collecting Campbell’s labels for classroom equipment.

Pleases remember that our Lenten Fish Fries will begin on Friday, February
19th. Volunteers are still needed! Please contact our chairperson, Ann French ( or our volunteer coordinator Kate Conron (

Lastly, we have two Odyssey of the Mind teams this year under the direction of Kate Conron and Melissa Lawrence. One team consists of 4th graders, while the other team consists of students in grades 5 – 7. Both teams are working on the Balsa Wood Project. The project involves building a balsa wood support whose mass is no greater than 18 grams that will support the greatest weight. Each team is also working on a skit for the competition which is scheduled for February 20th in Sidney.

Listed below are the events for the next five weeks:

Friday, January 8th Mass – Gr.5-7 responsible 9am
for liturgy

Wednesday, January 13th Fish Fry Meeting 5pm

Wednesday, January 13th Commission Meeting 6pm

Wednesday, January 13th PTO Meeting 7pm

Monday, January 18th Martin Luther King Day No School

Tuesday, January 19th TriCities Opera Assembly 9am-Gym
All families are encouraged
to attend

Friday, January 29th Non-Uniform Day

January 31st-February 5th Catholic Schools’ Week
More info to follow

Friday, February 5th First Friday Mass/Catholic 12:30pm
Schools’ Week Mass
Dress up day similar to Christmas Mass

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