Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas

Dear Parents,

This is my last letter for 2009! The year has certainly passed by quickly. I’m glad to say that the Christmas spirit of giving is already underway. A parishioner of St. Paul’s has generously donated tissues, handwash and basic medical supplies to our school and the Knights of Columbus has also donated $500 to our school. It looks like the Christmas Season extends throughout the entire year at Holy Family School!

I hope you were able to attend the Christmas Concert/Play/Art Show this past Wednesday. What a great event! It was great to see all of our students participating. I hope you were able to take some great photos. The Art Exhibit, under the direction of Sarah Mahan, was an added bonus. Our children have so many talents. I’d like to thank Cassie Buckley, Ann French, Sarah Mahan, and all our staff for working with our students on this great event. Special thanks go to Helen Cappaccio for working on the children’s outfits.

Our last day of school will be Wednesday, December 23rd with a 10am dismissal. We will be having a visit from Santa Claus on this day. You are invited to bring your cameras for a photo opportunity. The times will be:
EC 8:20am
PreK 8:30am
K 8:40am
1st 8:50am
2nd 9:00am
3rd 9:10am
4th 9:20am
5th-7th 9:30am (for those students wishing to see Santa)
Classroom Christmas parties will be on the following dates:
Grades 1 & 2 Tues, Dec. 22nd in the afternoon
PreK,3,4,5,6&7 Wed. Dec. 23rd in the morning

I wish each of you a joyous, safe Christmas Season!


Monday, December 14, 2009

December 11, 2009
Dear Parents,

Fourteen days until Christmas and counting! I hope you have all your shopping done. For me, the Christmas Season is my favorite time of year. In my particular case, it may be because our first child was born on Christmas day. I like Christmas because I love seeing the faces of the children when they open that special gift that they think they can’t live without. I’ve always enjoyed trying to find that perfect gift rather than receiving my own gifts. As I grow older, I also realize that it’s our duty to teach our young children and grandchildren what Christmas really means.

On that very first Christmas Day in Bethlehem, God gave us his most precious gift, his son. We need to continue that tradition of giving, not only to our own family members, but also to the less fortunate in our communities. I have a very good friend who started a tradition with her family when her children were young. They would choose a needy family that lived close by, shop together and purchase gifts for all the family members, and then anonymously drop them off on their doorstep on Christmas Eve. At a time when giving should be the focus, they taught their children to care for the less fortunate.

At Holy Family School, the 2nd grade adopts a needy family and makes ornaments to sell to raise funds to purchase gifts and food for the entire family for the Christmas season. This year, each classroom collected food and clothing for those less fortunate. I’ve also heard of several children requesting donations to the local SPCA instead of birthday presents to save the lives of so many needy animals. These are just a few examples of what can be accomplished. I believe if you had a family meeting and asked your children for ideas to help those in need that they may surprise you with their creativity. The bottom line is that I’m asking each of you to consider involving your entire family in a project this Christmas season that will teach our children, by example, what Christmas really means.

The Christmas Concert/Play/Art Exhibit is scheduled for Wednesday, December 16th at 6pm.


Christmas Concert/Art Exhibit Wed, Dec. 16th 6pm

Eyes & Ears Checkup-Gr. K,1,2 Thurs, Dec. 17th 8:30am

Christmas Mass- Dress Up Day Fri, Dec. 18th 9am
Gr. 3 & 4

Last Day of School Dress down day Wed, Dec. 23rd 10am dismissal
Visit from Santa in Gym – Parents invited (Time TBD) – Bring cameras


Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4, 2009
Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their families. It’s hard to believe it’s already December. Only 21 days ‘til Christmas! Community service is an important component of our program at Holy Family School. Our clothing drive for Catholic Charities and Social Services has now reached a total of 235 pounds!!! Mrs. Strano’s second graders collected items such as coffee, cookies, candy, razors, toothpaste and other necessities for our troops in Afghanistan. 10 boxes, weighing approximately 12 pounds each, were sent to our soldiers just before Thanksgiving. The project was called GOD – “Giving Others Delight”. The 2nd graders have now adopted a family of four, a mother and three young children, to share the joys of Christmas with. They will be purchasing some articles of clothing and toys for the family. I’m extremely proud of not only our 2nd graders, but all our students for their willingness to help others.

The first Box Tops competition for the year just finished prior to the Thanksgiving break. The proceeds from the Box Tops go towards the transportation costs for our student field trips. Once again, our families have done a fantastic job! Over $669 was raised from the Box Tops. Once again, Mrs. Lawrence’s 4th grade class finished on top. The 2nd graders finished just behind the 4th graders. Each of our 4th graders was given a $10 Scrip card of their choice. All our students should be congratulated for a job well done. The next competition will begin on January 4th. Please start saving those Box Tops over the Christmas break.

Please save the date of Wednesday, December 16th. Our annual Christmas Concert will begin at 6pm sharp. This year, Cassie Buckley has added a play to the festivities. Three Camels is the story of the birth of Christ as seen through the eyes of the camels of the three kings. It should be entertaining as always. Don’t forget to bring your cameras. As an added bonus this year, Sarah Mahan will be displaying some samples of our children’s artwork in the cafeteria. After the concert, we invite everyone to join us in the cafeteria for the art display and refreshments.

Holy Family School has been awarded a technology mini-grant for an online newspaper with podcasted articles. We have received $2,420 to purchase the following:
Toolfactory Podcasting Site License: This allows students to create, record, and upload podcasts with “point-and-click” mouse skills. It also has a music and sound effects library, as well as including a subscription to Clip Art Station, a massive library of pictures and audio. This will enable students to incorporate music and sound effects into their podcasts to keep listeners intrigued.

Two Olympus Digital Voice Recorders which will provide over 1000 hours of recording with 4GB of internal memory and state of the art capabilities such as file move, file copy, sound editing and multi-format recording.

Two Olympus Microphones with Noise Cancellation which plug directly into the computer or digital voice recorder for uni-directional recording in high-noise environments.

Two Olympus FE-46 Digital Cameras with automatic focus and digital zoom.

Olympus Flip Video Ultra HD Series Camcorder with one touch recording and digital zoom. It can capture 120 minutes of HD video on its 8GB of built-in memory. No tapes or additional memory cards are required.

Two instructional books are also included as part of the package.

Kids’ Zone will be open on Wednesday, December 23rd and Monday through Thursday, December 28 – 30.

The Tri-Cities Opera Assembly is being rescheduled for after Christmas. The new date is Tuesday, January 19th at 9am.

Upcoming Events

Monday, Dec. 7 Make Up Photo Day 8:30am
Tuesday, Dec. 8 Mass: Immaculate Conception Holy Day 9am
4th Grade
Wednesday, Dec. 9 Commission Meeting 6pm
Wednesday, Dec. 9 PTO Meeting 7pm
Thursday, Dec. 10 Science Trip to Colgate Planetarium
Grades 3-7 8:15-11:30
Friday, Dec. 11 Grades 5-7
Wednesday, Dec. 16 Christmas Concert/Art Show 6pm
Friday, Dec. 18 Mass: Christmas Celebration 9am
3rd & 4th Grade
Dress Up Day for Students
Wednesday, Dec. 23 Last day of school: 10am dismissal
