Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15 parent letter

October 15, 2010

Dear Parents,

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of two of our parents, Heather Bartle and Sue Converse, your child may receive a flu shot here at Holy Family for a nominal fee of $12. The flu shots will be administered during the school day. Parents need to pre-register their child/children by sending in the payment no later than Monday, October 25. Please make checks payable to Holy Family School. When the date of the flu shots has been set, parents will be notified and invited to go with their child while they receive the shot. The clinic will be held during the school day. Students of all grades, including Early Childhood and Pre-Kindergarten, are welcome to sign up for a flu shot. Please note that the flu shots will be available only to HFS students.

Class field trips begin next week. The students in Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grade will be traveling to Critz Farms in Cazenovia on Thursday, October 21st. As part of the Science curriculum, Second graders will be visiting Howe's Caverns on Wednesday, October 27.

A Walk-a-Thon and Pancake Breakfast will be held to raise money for Pete and Julie Asma. The Walk-a-Thon will be held on Friday, October 22. The students in EC, PK, K, 1st and 2nd grade will be walking from 1:00pm until 1:30pm. Grades 3-8 will walk from 1:45pm until 2:15pm. Please send in all of your donation money in an envelope by Thursday, October 21st to your child's classroom teacher. The top two classes with the highest total donation average will receive a non-uniform day. As of right now, the weather calls for 30% chance of showers with a high of 52. Students are to wear gym uniforms for the entire school day. Have your child dress appropriately and with proper footwear. The parking lot will be closed to all traffic from 1:00 until 2:30pm. Thank you for your support!

We would like to thank all of our students who participated in our second annual MARS Program (Math and Reading Superstars). Please have your child return their forms for reading over the summer and their math work to their classroom teacher by Monday, October 25th. We will be treating all our students who completed the program with an Ice Cream Sundae on Thursday, October 28th in the afternoon. Thanks to Nikki Strano for all her help with this project.

This week, we will highlight Donna Manley, our part-time Pre-Kindergarten Aide. Originally from Norwich, Donna has lived and worked in Norwich all her life. She was with the Norwich Pennysaver for 16 years and here with us at Holy Family for 14 years before retiring in 2007. She and her husband, Tom, raised three sons, Joseph, Patrick and Brian, all of whom graduated from Holy Family. Her oldest son, Joseph, is a Clarkson University graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Patrick graduated from Canisus with a Business Management and Marketing degree and is currently studying for a Masters in Public Administration at Syracuse University. Brian recently graduated from LeMoyne College with a degree in Marketing. In her free time, Donna likes to research her family's genealogy, tend her flower garden in the summer, and play the piano. Donna's retirement was short-lived as she accepted the part-time position of pre-k aide, working alongside her good friend, Nancy Ritzel. We are grateful for Donna's decision to leave retirement, and rejoin us here at Holy Family.

Have a great weekend!

Mary & Gene

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8 Parent Letter

October 8, 2010

Dear Parents,

We would like to remind all parents that all of our children in grades 1-8 will be given an individual reading assessment exam within the next few weeks. The results of this assessment will be shared with you during the parent conferences in November.

Upcoming Events!

Wednesday, October 13
St. Bart's Spaghetti Dinner, 4:30pm
Commission Meeting, 6:00pm
PTO Meeting, 7:00pm

Thursday, October 14
St. Bart's Spaghetti Dinner, 4:30pm

Thursday, October 21
Critz Pumpkin Farm, grades K-2, 8:30am-2pm

Friday, October 22
Walk-A-Thon to Benefit Pete and Julie Asma, 1-2:15pm

Thursday, October 28
Tri-Cities Opera "Billy Goats Gruff" in the gym, 9am. All are invited.

God bless,
Gene and Mary

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday letter

October 1st, 2010
Dear Parents,

This Tuesday we had a super successful Open House night with more than 85% of students represented. Thank you parents for showing your commitment to and support of your child's education. We look forward to a rewarding year for both you and your children!

All students in grades K-8 will be given an individual reading assessment during the month of October. The results will be shared during parent teacher conferences in November.

You should have received your password for our new on-line program, My Students Progress. If you have any problems or questions, please contact Mrs. Ann French.

On Wednesday, students were able to make their confession with Father Ralph. Please encourage your children to attend if you would like them to go to confession. Please practice the Act of Contrition with your children. This is the version used at school:

O my God, I heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.

This week we would like to introduce you to John Jablonski, our newly hired temporary custodian. John is a native of Norwich and graduated from Valley Heights Christian Academy. In his free time, John likes to spend time with Tara and their 13 month-old baby girl, Angelina. John also likes the great outdoors. John is doing a great job helping us to keep our school clean and we want to thank him for that!

All students should be in their classrooms by 8:00am. Students not in their classrooms by 8:05am will be marked tardy.

Today we celebrated our monthly Mass planned and organized by students in grades 6th-8th. Starting today the entire student body will be praying a decade of the rosary after each Mass. Our next school Mass will be 9:00am on Monday, November 1st to celebrate the feast day of All Saints. We hope to see you there!


Gene and Mary

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to a new School Year!!!!

September 10, 2010

Dear Parents,

It was great to see all our children, parents and grandparents back at Holy Family School! We really missed all of you! The first two days of school were great. From my point of view, they could not have gone smoother. There have been many changes at HFS involving the physical structure, new staff and new textbooks. But one very important aspect remains the same – we are truly a family that cares about each other. One only needs to look at the smiles on the faces of our parents, grandparents, children and staff as they enter the school. As an educator, parent and grandparent myself, it’s great to hear so many of our children say how happy they are to be back at HFS!

Vickie Lake, our new cafeteria manager, has made the transition to HFS smoothly. Vickie has made several changes to the daily menu. Students may purchase a peanut butterr/jelly sandwich or a yogurt instead of the main meal. The yogurt may also be purchased separately for $1.00. Ice cream will cost either $.50 or $.75. The juice machine has been removed from the school, so several options will be available for students. A 12oz. bottle of Gatorade may be purchased for $1.00 or a Minute Maid 100% juice box will be available for $.75. Homemade cookies will also be available at different times for $.50. The cost of student lunches will be:

EC – 1st Grade $ 1.75
2nd -8th Grade $ 2.25
Adults $ 3.25

Once again, we ask that parents send in a check or cash to deposit into their child’s lunch account. Please try to make these deposits on Monday, so that Mrs. Hose doesn’t have to count and make a bank deposit every day. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Students who have already received the Sacrament of Penance will have the opportunity to do so on Wednesday, October . Our next children’s mass will be on Friday, October 1st. We invite all parents to attend and we hope to see you there.
With six new staff members this year, I thought it would be interesting to highlight one each week. This week we will get to know Sara Chrystie Locke, our new 1st grade teacher.

Although Sara Locke was born in Norwich, she has lived in Oxford her whole life. Sara’s mom is a private day care provider in Oxford and her older brother, Mike, is a Social Studies teacher at Norwich High School. Sports has always been a big part of Sara’s life as she played basketball, field hockey, and track in high school. At Oneonta State, Sara played basketball and majored in Childhood Education, graduating in May 2010. Soon after graduation, Sara married Tom Locke at St. Paul’s Church on July 24 and they now live in Oxford. Sara enjoys reading and loves challenges. This past summer, Sara and her sister-in-law ran the 15K in the Boilermaker for the first time. At some point in the near future, Sara hopes to coach girls’ basketball. Sara is visibly excited about joining Holy Family and we are blessed to have her. When Sara’s dad called to see how her first day went, without a moment’s hesitation Sara responded, “Dad, I know that I am in the right profession.” We couldn’t agree more!

Gene and Mary

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010
Dear Parents,

Wow!!! What a whirlwind year! I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of the 2009/10 school year. So much has happened this year. Thanks go to all the people - PTO, staff, parents, grandparents, children, etc who have graciously volunteered their time and talents to make Holy Family School a nurturing environment for our children. I know I’m leaving out many events, but I’d still be typing if I included all of them.

• Summer Ice Cream Social to welcome new staff and families to HFS
• Boo Hoo Breakfast
• Family PTO picnic
• Open House
• First Friday Masses
• Halloween Float
• Parent Conferences
• Family Thanksgiving Dinner
• Advent Activities
• Christmas Concert/Art Show
• Visit from Santa Claus
• Fall and Spring Book Fairs
• Catholic Schools’ Week Events
• Lenten Fish Fries
• National Day of Prayer Events
• May Crowning
• Golf Tournament
• Spring Disney Concert
• Dessert Theatre
• Olympic Day (next Tuesday)
• PK and K Celebration (next Thursday)
• Educational Field Trips/Assemblies
Howe Caverns
Tri Cities Opera – “Little Red Riding Hood”
“Beauty and the Beast” – Forum Theatre
“The Lightening Thief” Movie
“Looking glass Alice” – Syracuse Stage
Popp Butterfly Conservatory
Step Into Seuss
Ross Park Zoo Mobile
Auriesville Retreat
Binghamton Mets Baseball Game
Farmers’ Museum
Ecology/Fishing Field Trip

Again, I know I left many events out of the list, but it is important to realize how many opportunities our children are exposed to. Thanks for all the help and support.

I hope you had the opportunity to attend the Dessert Theatre Show last week. The students put a lot of time and effort into preparing their acts. The audience seemed to love the performances as the children gave their “all.” Thanks to Ms. Buckley, Rhett Genung (lighting and sound) and all the other people who made this event possible.



Tues, June 15 Olympic Day – Gr. 1 – 7

Wed, June 16 Olympic Awards Assembly

Wed, June 16 PreK Pinic

Thurs, June 17 PreK – K Celebration 6 pm

Fri, June 18 Kindergarten Picnic

Mon, June 21 Ecology/Fishing Field Trip Gr. 5-7

Wed, June 23 Early Childhood Celebration 9:30 am

Sat, July 2 Annual HFS Rummage Sale - Gym

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 27, 2010
Dear Parents,

We’d like to welcome a new student to our school, Zachary Vincent XiZhong Marsh. Zac will be joining his sister Riley in the 3rd grade class for the remainder of the school year. He is the son of Cathy and Rod Marsh of Norwich. Zac is 8 years old and was born in Shenzhen, China, which is near Hong Kong. He’s a typical boy – his favorite subject is physical education. During his free-time in class, Zac can be seen playing chess on the computer. Now several of his classmates have joined in. It appears that this is a win-win situation for everyone!

Congratulations to Father Ralph on another milestone birthday today, May 28th. It’s amazing how he seems to look and act younger each year!!! All of our students enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Father at lunchtime – they also didn’t mind sharing a bit of his birthday cake with him.

Please join us at several important events this week. They include:

• Tues, June 1st Canine Police Dog – Officer Clarke 9 am

• Wed, June 2nd Dessert Theatre Rehearsal 11:30 am

• Wed, June 2nd Flynn & O’Hara Uniform 1 pm

• Thurs, June 3rd Dessert Theatre 6 pm
Council of the Arts

• Fri, June 4th 1st Friday Mass – 2nd Graders 9 am

• Fri, June 4th Adoration – St. Paul’s Chapel
